Best Custom Roms for HTC One M7 HTC One M7 is an awesoem handset manufactured by HTC. If you are a proud owner of HTC One M7 and want to have different types of experience by installing custom ROMs then you can see the custom ROMs listed below and chose from one of them. There […]
Continue readingBest Lollipop Based Custom ROMs For LG G3 Are you looking for the best custom ROMs for LG G3? Want to have the best custom ROMs based on Android 5.0 lollipop for your LG G3. We were looking for them also and we made a good list out of them. If you have not received […]
Continue readingSony Xperia Z is a well known water proof handset.Sony Xperia Z is a beautiful handset with 5 inch HD display. It has a sleek design and it is waterproof. With a very good design and features it is a popular amon many android users. Now a days people are doing root to there phone […]
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