
Category Archives for "News"

Nokia’s android phone will cost $110

  Right now one of the most talked topics is that Nokia is bringing an android phone into the market which is quite cheap as $110. Even though the specification of Nokia “NORMANDY” will not be that higher however it’s Nokia. Before you get too excited you need to know that you will not able […]

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Samsung Galaxy S5 can scan fingerprint

  Previously S4 had the option to scan your Irish. However , they might not continue this service anymore and might go for the fingerprint scanning. Different sources are saying that Samsung is testing a different types of biometic Scanners like the previous Irish scanner. Eye scanner is annoying sometimes. You might be in a cinema […]

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WhatsApp in Nokia Asha 501

  Now-a-days texting through SMS is declining where instant messenger are getting popular. And on this line WhatsApp is in the top of the mountain. Now WhatsApp is available in Nokia Asha 501. It was preinstalled and optimized for the handset. By using 2G or WiFi networks users can send messages,audio files,video files. Notifications will […]

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Winamp is shutting down

  Winamp is shutting down. Yes you heard it correctly. After 15 years of good memories , Winamp is shutting down in 20th December 2013. In their download page they stated that the downloads will not be available after 20th December. They urged that people should download the files immediately before taken down. However the […]

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Kitkat 4.4 for Nexus 4 & Nexus 7

Nexus 7 and Nexus 4 owners are keenly waiting for the new update which is Android kitkat 4.4 In November 19 Google showed some factory images for Nexus 4 which is giving hopes to the Nexus 4 owners that they might have the Kitkat update in recently. Nexus7 and Nexus 10 users are also . […]

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The Secret Of Space Octopuses

    The secret of space octopuses is a new game released by the Midgar studio. Actually it is a horizontal scrolling adventure type game. It includes puzzle and combat. The story starts as the captive who is actually a young earthling is trying to escape from a world where he has been kept as […]

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Sony Xperia Z Ultra : Review

Xperia z ultra review : This is the first time that the Japanese company Sony has released a phablet. This reminds me of 2010 when we were hyped about the 5.0 inches phones. We were not sure about the success of the 5 inches rather some of us thought that this would be big to […]

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