15 Photography Tips to Take Better Photos With Android Phone

Photography Tips to Take Better Photos With Your Android Phone

10 Photography Tips to Take Better Photos With Android Phone

Do you own an Android phone and want to take better photos with your android phone or tablet? If the answer is yes, then you are on the right page. Today we are going to teach you about how to take good photos with android phones. This is basically a tips sharing article about android photography. However, taking good photos is not that hard. You have to follow some rules and you have to learn some basics & take as many shots as you can. In this thread we will be focusing solely on android photography tips. However, some of the tips can be used by any photographers including iPhone users. Before heading into the article I want you to understand that photography is not about hobby only but also a passion. Let’s see the best tips for android photography. However if you want to specialize in panorama then follow this thread 5 BEST PANORAMA APP FOR ANDROID.

1. Learn the basics of your Android phone’s Camera

If you want to take better photos with your android phone or tablet then you need to know the basics of your camera first. By basics I mean the options and settings used by your android phone’s camera. If you are using Google Camera then you need to know what is saturation, how to take panorama photos,how to use lens blur,  how to focus, how to sharpen the photos. These are just basic option provided by Google Camera application. If you are using other Camera app then you need to know the basics of them also. Basically these basics are common on all camera apps. It doesn’t matter whether you are using a DSLR or a camera app but you need to understate the basic of photography. If you are totally new to photography then I suggest you to know what is focus,saturation, how to frame photos, what is bokeh photos. If you are a total newbie than we suggest you to know all these stuffs first. Google them and you will get your answers or just post comments and we will be happy to answer them. If you want to learn it by trial and error than start taking as much photos as you can and you will know the basics by yourself. However we suggest you to Google if you don’t understand it by yourself.

2. Rule Of Third for Android Photography [Framing]

Ever heard of Rule of Thirds? Or Golden ratio? Rule of thirds is like Golden ratio of taking beautiful and awesome photos. If you are serious into smartphone photography and want to make a change in your photography skills then you need to know the basics of rule of third. Let’s talk shortly about it. Imagine dividing a photo in nine equal part and you will see that the photo is divided into three roq & three column. A matter of great joy is that most camera apps provide a GRID to understand it. Try to frame the photos as they don’t intersect the horizon line but stays close to it. By following it will not only make your photos more awesome but it will make sense also. Just follow the grids and you will take better photos than before. The main reason of using the rule of third is to make sure the subject is not on the center or to no break the photo half. You can Google or watch Youtube to know how to use the Rule Of Third on any camera or android cameras. See the photo below which followed the rule of third perfectly.

Rule Of Thirds for Android Photography

3. Using Light Properly:

Light is a very important matter while taking photos. Without the proper use of light you can’t take a perfect photo. If you have to understand how lights can make a difference on your photos. If you are thinking about taking photos on indoor then you need to use them as they are not burning the photos. It’s tough to use lights on indoor as they may require many times but you can always take help of windows or natural lights. Think about the windows as they provide mild lights rather harsh ones. I have always used the lights of sunrise & sunset as they are mild and natural. If you are planning to take photos outside then my suggestions is to use the the lights perfectly because with one aperture settings & focal length it might be hard for android phones to take brilliant photos.

 4. Finding & creating Good Moments:

If you are passionate about taking photos then you might wonder when to take the best photos. There are moments when taking photos becomes easier. You might have to wiat for the perfect moment but it is worthy. Even you can create a good moment also. Suppose you are looking at a field with no subject and you saw one people walking on the road of the field. You can wait few minutes to capture the moments he or she is on the perfect spot and matches the rule of third. It’s all about creating and finding good moments. Finding good moments  can cost you a little time ,but trust me it pays off.

5. Take photos from different angles:

Taking photos from on single angle might be boring or it might make all the photos homogeneous. I would suggest you to take photos from different angles and sides. You can check the photos later to see whether they are good photos or bad photos. If possible take multiple shots on one minute. It might create the chance of better photos.

6. Clean your lens occasionally :

No, I am not joking. just because it’s mobile doesn’t mean it can function without cleaning. You should clean the lens by using soft cloth. Do not use jeans or any hard fabric but soft fabric only. There are chances that the top glass of the lens might be covered with dirt. In order to take clear photos you need to clear that dirt. If your phone’s case has another set of glass cover fr camera lens then clear it also.

7. Try to avoid LED Flashlight:

Low lights might be problem while taking photos. If you are taking photos at night or dark places then you might have noticed that sometime LED flashlight is ruining the photos. I know, I have faced this type of problem lately. Most of the times flash lights ruins the quality of the picture. Try take light from other source or bounce the lights on other object to have a mild but brighter photos.

8. Don’t use auto zoom

Please do not use the auto zoom function of your android phone’s camera. If you want to take a closer shot then go closer to the object. Using zoom function will not only ruin the photo but also the quality of the picture. If you use the zoom function then it will provide you a low quality or pixeleted picture. Remember that you can always crop photos.

9. Use highest quality settings on your Phone:

Some people wants to reduce the size of the photos and wonders why they are taking bad photos. One thing to mention is that you should always use the highest quality of your camera app. Set it to the highest to take better shots. You can change it on the settings of your app. Use the maximum image size and that will do the work. Always use the best resolution available to you. Beside these learn to use lens blur take blurry pictures.

Tips for android photography

10. Fix your exposure:

Exposure is very important while taking photos. Sometimes some photos come as dull but that can be changed to bright photos by using higher exposure. You can set the exposure higher then the default one to get more brighter & vivid photos. However using higher exposure doesn’t mean that you will take better photos. You have to understand the optimized exposure for correct picture.

11. Shoot Black & White pictures:

If you are taking lifestyle photos then you can always use Black & White colors. Lifestyle photos are more powerful when taken at black & white colors. This B&W color has some specialty when taking lifestyle photos. See the photo below and see how brilliant photo it is. It’s a black and white lifestyle photo.

Lifestyle Photography

12. Use filters provided by camera apps:

Many apps provides filters to take photos. Try to shoot as many pictures using the filters. Thus you will be able to understand that which filter works better at different times. Sometimes these filters can make a photo more beautiful than it really is. Yes, you heard it right. Few days ago I took a photo of a lady at the country road with a vintage filter and it was really awesome. I would have shared this photo but I did not have permission from her yet. However there are many apps like Instagram who provides different types of pr-made filters. Use them to have more awesome photos.

13. Use editing apps:

There are some apps like Photoshop, pixlr which can help you to make more beautiful photos. These editing apps can help you to perfectly crop or straighten or increase brightness , saturation. There are many features that can help you to take better photos. Try to use the features regularly to understand it’s mechanism. You will be glad if you do.

14. Watch other people’s photos:

It might not be relevant to android camera photography tips but it will help you a lot. Try to see people’s photos on Flickr or Facebook and learn the composition or framing they are using. I have watched a lot of photographer’s photos and I improved myself. Learn how great photographers are framing their picture, how the moments were created. These tricks will help you to take good photos with your android camera.

15. Don’t stop shooting:

One of the best tips for you is to take a lot of photos. Taking a lot of photos will increase the chances of taking good photos. It will help you to understand the chemistry of your camera and the surroundings. One of my friend named Wahid is a wild-life photographer. At the very beginning he was struggling to take good photos ,but he didn’t stopped there. He kept investing times on his photography and now he is a successful wild-life photographer. Photography is not about having the best camera but the passion.  Invest your times on taking as much as photos you can take. It will pay you eventually.


Photography is not a hobby but a passion. It doesn’t matter whether you are a passionate photographer or a wannabe noob photographer, but these tricks will surely help you to take better photos then before. This is our thread of how to take better photos with your android phone. One thing to inform you is that you can take these tips to take better photos with any type of camera. However, I hope that these tips for android photography will help you a lot. I would suggest you to watch YouTube videos to take more awesome photos but learn the basics first. If you find any more awesome tips for android photography, then please let us know in the comments.


I am a self dependent writer who likes to write about Gadget & Gears. I put my thoughts into writing in internet.

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