Download Samsung Galaxy S6 S Health APK

S Health

Samsung S6 is going to be most profitable flagship made by Samsung ever. S6 is selling like crazy and it even offers good services too. It offers many services and these services are really awesome. As this handset is very popular some developers are porting the apps from it for other users. If you own Galaxy S5 or S4 you can use it’s apps also. You can turn your Galaxy S5 or S4 phone into S6 by using S6’s wallpaper or music or apps.

However we have wrote previously about the wallpaper and ringtones, and today we will talk about the S Health.S health is a health app which measures your heart rate, it counts the step you have taken in a single day, it even shows ideal exercises for you to have a fit body.

This S6 Health is very helpful for people who cares about their body. This awesome app is ported by AndroidState for Galaxy Note 4. Even though this app was ported for Galaxy Note 4 but it also works for Galaxy S5 also.

S Health

How to Install Galaxy S6 S Health

Note that it is ported for Galaxy Note 4 and it has been reported that it is working fine on Galaxy S5. However doing this on your risk, take a backup of your S health app.

Step 1: Follow the link below to download the Samsung Galaxy S6 Health app. Download Samsung Galaxy S6 S Health APK

Step 2: No open a file explorer on your phone and go to system/priv-app/SHealth

Step 3: Now move the downloaded APK file to the location mentioned above

Step 4: Now set the correct permissions and reboot your phone

Step 5: Wait for the phone to boot. When it boots , go to the app drawer and you will see the S Health app there.

Good Read: Download Galaxy S6 S Note Apk


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joshua - 9 years ago

It works perfectly. Thanks bro 🙂

    Afsar - 9 years ago

    My pleasure

    Afsar - 9 years ago


Download Galaxy S6 Weather Widget - 9 years ago

[…] Download samsung galaxy s6 s health apk […]


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